Tuesday, May 10, 2016


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Building on the success of FTR’s well-regarded Trucking Conditions Index and Shippers Condition Index, the Intermodal Competitive Index (ICI) is intended to provide viewers with an assessment of the competitive posture of domestic intermodal transport versus over-the-road truck transport.

It is a compendium of different factors, including relative rates versus truck, industry capacity versus demand, fuel prices and intermodal service levels. Figures above 0 indicate favorable conditions for intermodal to compete with truck, and figures above ten show extremely favorable conditions that would result in substantial truck to intermodal conversion. Likewise, negative numbers indicate less aggressive modal share gains for intermodal — and potentially reduced share.
Larry Gross, an FTR partner and intermodal export, said, “The Intermodal Competitive Index will allow readers to assess the trend of where intermodal stands versus truck transport at a glance. This is the latest in a series of enhancements that we have added to the Intermodal Update publication in recent months, as we continue to work towards providing the industry with the most-timely, useful and comprehensive view of intermodal trends.”
In March the ICI stood at a level of 4.8, indicating generally positive — but not stellar intermodal conditions. Improved service and rising fuel prices are positives, while generally slack demand and ample truck capacity are among the negatives.
FTR will be holding a free webinar to review the latest intermodal trends and the enhancements to the Intermodal Update, including the new Intermodal Competitiveness Index, this Wednesday, May 11, at 11 a.m. Eastern time. To register, visit attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1342581037583742465.

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