Thursday, May 12, 2016


The Coalition for America’s Gateways and Trade Corridors has elected Tim Lovain, who represents the State of Washington to the Coalition, as its third Chairman.
CAGTC also filled six board of directors seats as the freight advocacy organization is celebrating its 15th anniversary. CAGTC is a coalition of more than 60 public and private organizations dedicated to increasing federal investment in America’s intermodal freight infrastructure.

“I am delighted to be selected to serve as CAGTC’s Chairman as we celebrate fifteen successful years promoting policy to improve U.S. freight transportation capabilities,” said Tim Lovain. “I have worked with CAGTC since its inception so I appreciate its very able staff and committed membership.”
The Board, which consists of 17 members representing the Coalition’s geographic and organizational diversity, is tasked with the development of CAGTC policy and is called upon to offer guidance and perspective from their own organizations.
Joining CAGTC’s board for the first time is Jim Brogan, executive vice president of Cambridge Systematics. Former Treasurer Paul Hubler of Alameda Corridor East Construction Authority was elected Vice-Chairman. Current board member Paul Anderson, president & CEO of Port Tampa Bay, will assume the position of Treasurer. Southern California Association of Governments representative Sharon Neely, who served as Chairman since 2013, will transition to Immediate Past Chairman.
Also rejoining the board are:
Chuck Baker, president of National Railroad Construction & Maintenance Association
Rick Cameron, managing director of environmental affairs and planning at Port of Long Beach
Glen Miles, executive director Kootenai Metropolitan Planning Organization
“I welcome our new and re-elected directors and officers and look forward to working with them as we pursue our goals as the foremost freight infrastructure advocacy voice in Washington D.C. and throughout the nation,” said Lovain.
CAGTC’s mission is to promote a seamless goods movement transportation system across all modes to improve capacity and economic growth.

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