Thursday, April 28, 2016


Chicago truck rental
Chicago truck rental
Chicago truck rental
Website includes info on latest changes, examiner reviews
Need a DOT physical and aren’t sure how the requirements have changed since your last exam? The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Assn. (OOIDA) has a resource page for truckers, DOT Doc, designed to prepare you for the experience—and to share that                                                                                   experience with others.

“Since the NRCME took effect on May 21, 2014, many drivers have encountered a variety of problems,” OOIDA says. “Until these issues are resolved, it’s advised that you prepare ahead for your DOT physical. Being an informed consumer ensures the best chance for a good outcome. Otherwise your CDL may be at risk.”
As for preparation, DOT Doc features a number of tips, such as to allow ample time before your current card expires for the exam paperwork to be processed. And drivers with potential health issues will need extra time to address any problems.
The page also links to a number of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration resources, such as the 13 basic requirements a driver must meet.
OOIDA advises that second opinions are fine, but “doctor shopping” or hiding a medical condition are not.
“When a driver goes to more than one medical examiner, this shows up in the certified medical examiner database. It will be reviewed,” OOIDA says. “If the driver gave the same information to both examiners it is not a problem and the most recent exam will be the driver’s current status. If the information the driver provided is not consistent this will be followed up on and if found to be dishonest can result in disqualification.”
While the site links to FMCSA’s search tool for the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners, an interesting feature of DOT Doc is the ability to post a review of the exam experience. Those one- to five-star reviews are searchable, so other drivers looking for CMEs in the area will have an idea of what expect—whether it’s the examiner’s attitude or where to park a rig.
DOT Doc also explains the procedural changes that went into effect April 20. Among them, driver health history questions now refer to your entire lifetime of medical history, while the previous forms only asked for the past five years of medical history.
OOIDA encourages drivers to print a one-page sample to avoid confusion at the CME’s office.
“The FMCSA has experienced difficulty in communicating these changes to CMEs and many CMEs have expressed confusion about the new requirements. Some CMEs may not be aware of the changes,” OOIDA says. “Without the correct form you will not be able to have your medical certification linked to your CDL as required.”
By Kevin Jones

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